Protecting Your Skin: Benefits of Sunscreen and When to Use It
Why Wear Sunscreen?
Sunscreen protects your skin against Ultraviolet(UV) Rays. UV Rays are always present, even if the sky is not clear. These rays penetrate deep into the skin where they can damage and even kill skin cells. Sunburn is our skin’s reaction to this radiation burn from the sun. These dangerous rays can cause sun damage, aging, and melanoma – the most dangerous type of skin cancer. Sunscreen blocks these rays and will lessen the damage they can do to our skin.
Choosing the Right Sunscreen
Broad spectrum sunscreens with an SPF of 30 or more are considered the best for protecting us against the UV rays from the sun. Broad spectrum means you are being protected against both UVA and UVB rays.
3 Benefits of Using Sunscreen
Protect Against Melanoma, Skin Cancer
Melanoma is a serious form of skin cancer that begins in cells known as melanocytes. Melanoma is one of the most dangerous forms of skin cancer because of its ablility to easily spread to other organs in the body at a rapid pace if not treated at an early stage. Protecting your sking from the dangers of the sun with sunscreen is the best and easiest way to avoid this dangerous condition.
Keeps Complexion Even
Blotchy Skin & Hyperpigmentation (uneven skin pigmentation) refers to our skin complexion becoming discolored or darker in an inconsistent way. The sun can be one of the many causes of this condition that can appear on the face, hands or other body parts that are regularly exposed to the sun. To help prevent this, we suggest using sunscreen on both cloudy and sunny days and throughout the entire year when exposed to the sun’s rays
Reduce Wrinkles and Againg
Research has show that up to 90% of visible signs of aging are caused by sun damage. Prolonged exposure to UVA rays will prematurely age skin and result in the loss of collagen and the skin’s elasticity. Wearing an SPF cream daily can drastically reduce the aging we see in skin later in life with very little effort